Learn about the Environment and Develop your skills with this diploma level course
This flexible and unique course offers you the best of our environmental courses and the practicability of business, photography and research.
This is an exciting qualification for anyone working in the field, wishing to work with the environment or just for interest.
Study with great flexibility by offering 6 core modules and a diverse range of 30 electives of which students get to select 19. Electives include Marine Studies, Nature Park Management I and II, Earth Science, Digital Photography, Plant Ecology, Soil Management, Vertebrate Zoology, Reafforestation (Land care), Conservation and Environmental Management, Weed Control, Wildlife Management and many more.
Getting an Environmental Job
People are increasingly more environmentally aware and job opportunities are expanding rapidly in this and related industries.
Despite this fact, many graduates from environmental courses can find it difficult to obtain employment. Often this may be attributed to the type of course they have undertaken, or the level at which they have studied. Many environmental courses also begin with general study and finish off with study in a specific and narrow field. This is important if you are to become an expert in a specialised field, but it can mean that your job opportunities become limited due to high competition between applicants for a limited number of available positions.
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