Health, Fitness and Recreation are all related segments of the Leisure industry.

In today's world, preventative health care is more important than ever. If you participate in adequate recreation activities, maintain good nutrition and fitness, through proper exercise and eating, then your overall health will benefit.
This site provides plenty of interesting and insightful information and advice on health, fitness and nutrition; as well as recreation leadership and management.
It also provides information on distance education and careers in a wide range of areas including recreation leadership, recreation management, fitness leadership, aqua fitness, recreation facility management, human nutrition, resistance exercise and lots more.
Whether you are interested in a new career in this area or are interesting in studying to enhance your own lifestyle, ACS Distance Education has courses and ebooks in health, fitness and recreation that will help you achieve your goals.
Have you read our articles and learnt some interesting facts? Perhaps you would like to study one of our courses or purchase one of our interesting ebooks on the topics?