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Duration (approx) 1500 hours
Qualification Associate Diploma
Do you want to be a coach? Do you want to improve your coaching knowledge and skills? This course is the one you are looking for.
Train to be a coach! A highly flexible qualification allowing you to specialise in certain areas of coaching or study a broad based of coaching such as sports, life, business coaching.  Study life coaching, business coaching, sports coaching, stress management, anger management, health and wellbeing, nutrition and more. Choose the options to suit you.


Core ModulesThese modules provide foundation knowledge for the ASSOCIATE DIPLOMA IN COACHING VPS009
Elective ModulesIn addition to the core modules, students study any 9 of the following 25 modules.

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Coaching Skills are important in many different careers. 

This Coaching Diploma enables you to look at coaching in many aspects of work and leisure. You study modules that best suit you and your requirements. Modules include Life Coaching, Business, Sports Coaching and more.  

Specialise in a coaching diploma that suits YOU! 

  • Have you had experience in business and want to help others succeed (while earning an exceptional income yourself...)? You may wish to specialise in Business Coaching
  • Passionate about Health and Wellness and want to help others to achieve optimum health? There are lots of great modules you can study to work as a specialist in this area.
  • Do you come from a sporting background, or just love sports? Use the coaching skills you learn to become an exceptional sports coach and coach your team to victory.
  • Want to help people achieve their dreams? Specialise in Life Coaching, Counselling and Careers Counselling.
  • Interested in all the above? Great!! You can select modules that will allow you to develop skills in all the areas and give you versatility to work within a range of different situations.
Developing a wide range of coaching skills can allow you to excel in a coaching and leadership role. This exciting new course allows the student to gain a thorough understanding of how to be an effective coach across a variety of areas to give the graduate a range of employment and work options.
Take this course on it's own to specialise as a coach, or study it to expand your existing qualifications and experience to gain a competitive edge when going for that dream job!
  • Improve your earning potential with this excellent qualification
  • Study in your own home and at your own pace.
  • Highly qualified and experienced tutors.
  • A must for anyone wanting to work in coaching.
This course is made up from 14 modules, you will see five core units below that you must study. You then get to choose an additional 9 modules that interest you the most. You will also get to undertake 100hrs of industry experience to give you a taste for what this will really be like as a career.


Here is an example from the Life Coaching module.

At some point in their lives, most people will seek help from other people – friends, family or professionals – to help them make decisions or get advice on how to handle a particular situation or event. Some decisions are more complex than others and individuals cope very differently to a given situation.

For instance, some people are very good at making decisions on the financial aspects of their lives but struggle with their physical health or personal relationships. Others may thrive in their relationships but flounder in keeping abreast of their work or study commitments.

A client may contact a life coach when they feel they lack control over their lives or when they need objective advice (away from family and friends). They may lack motivation or have feelings of frustration, depression or a lack of confidence may be affecting their personal effectiveness in everyday life.

Life coaching involves understanding a person psychologically, physically and often financially. A life coach becomes a confidant to help the client:

  • determine what is important
  • pin-point their strengths and weaknesses
  • ascertain where they want to be in 6 months, a year, or 10 years time.

It involves assisting the client to set personal and professional goals, and to develop a workable strategy to obtain their goals within a given time frame. For a client, seeing a life coach can be a life changing experience and an invaluable opportunity to take control over their life and fulfil their dreams.

A client who seeks out a life coach does so not because they necessarily need to, but rather because they want to. They usually have areas in their life that they feel they would like to improve. The life coach helps them to focus on what they want for their own future. A psychotherapist or counsellor will help a person get from dysfunctional ways of responding to life to functional ways. A life coach will help a person move from functional to excellent.  

Life coaches work one-to-one with their clients, either face to face, via the telephone or email. They build up a relationship with their clients that may be viewed as being something akin to a close friendship. You could perhaps view the coach as being someone who goes with you every step of the way. They almost walk alongside their clients. Life coaching started to emerge in the US in the early 1990’s and it’s popularity has increased dramatically since. One possible reason is that having a therapist can be treated with some stigma, but there is no stigma attached to having a life coach.

Some areas in which a life coach may be asked to provide assistance and support are:

  • interpersonal relations
  • self-esteem and confidence
  • development of physical wellbeing
  • public and professional image
  • personal finances or business
  • career development
  • practical life skills, such as time management


This is an example from our Business Coaching course. 

Like the coach of elite athletes, the business coach is results oriented, and his or her main tasks are to help clients –recognise, overcome and then remove barriers to personal growth and development. Then to develop strategies for achieving goals that will enable the individual to develop his or her full potential. Again like the sports coach, the business coach will be required to accurately assess the client’s aptitudes, strengths, weaknesses, needs and goals in order to arrive at a programme that is specifically tailored to that individual.

Unlike a sports coach, however, business coaches may also have to manage a client’s reluctance, lack of motivation, inaccurate perceptions and other psychological barriers to effective self-management. Life coaching is primarily about helping clients develop the skills and attitudes that will enable them to manage themselves and their own lives but business coaches will also take into account their business and working life.

As we have said, people may contact a life coach for very different reasons: to help them make better financial or career decisions; to get them motivated; to help them overcome feelings of frustration, helplessness, or lack of confidence; to help them manage personal relationships or to help them develop practical life skills.

The reasons for contacting a life coach may not be the primary issues that are causing the client distress or dissatisfaction, and much of the life coach’s work will be to lead the client on a journey of self-discovery.

Like all inner journeys, life coaching must begin with the client’s present situation and the many internal and external influences upon it. Life coaching begins with working with the client to understand where the person is, emotionally, psychologically, physically, financially and interpersonally. Only after obtaining a more accurate, clear picture of the client’s present can both client and life coach identify elements in the client’s past that may be hindering growth in any particular area, and plan strategies for the client’s future that will encourage and nurture progress.

Let’s now look more specifically at business coaching. Business coaching can help a business owner, manager or director to:

  • make better decisions
  • reach their goals faster
  • set better goals
  • improve relationships
Business coaching usually involves working with the individual on THEIR problems, so every client will receive a different form of business coaching, individualised to their needs. So a business coach may work with a business person in one of two ways: 
            1. To help them as an individual perform better 
  •  how they respond to staff
  •  their work life balance
  •  their organisational structure
  •  delegation
  •  staff training
  •  motivating staff
  •  better management skills
  •  time management    

2. To help their business perform better

  •  looking at ideas for the structuring of the business
  •  employment of staff
  •  time management with staff

Being a manager or business owner can be a lonely job at times. So a business coach can be there as a sounding board and confidant to help the business person to voice their issues and then help the person to find solutions to their problems effectively and quickly. 

Business coaching is generally considered to be a good method of intervention to improve a business or the way the business person works, as it can be

  • time efficient
  • effective
  • is individually tailored to the person’s requirements
  • is outcome focused

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Courses can be started anytime from anywhere in the world!

Meet some of our academics

Tracey Jones (psychology)B.Sc. (Hons) (Psychology), M.Soc.Sc (social work), DipSW (social work), PGCE (Education), PGD (Learning Disability Studies) Tracey began studying psychology in 1990. She has a wide range of experience within the psychology and social work field, particularly working with people with learning disabilities. She is also qualified as a teacher and now teaches psychology and social work related subjects. She has been a book reviewer for the British Journal of Social Work and has also written many textbooks, blogs, articles and ebooks on psychology, writing, sociology, child development and more. She has had also several short stories published.

Check out our eBooks

Saving Your BusinessMost businesses fail; but failure is more often than not avoidable. This book shows you how to quickly get a handle on what is wrong, take action, and give a shaky business the best chance of resurgence.
Aqua FitnessThere are many reasons to exercise in water: It is low impact (less chance of over doing it and causing damage to the body). Aquafitness exercises are often used by professional athletes and equally by people recovering from injury; because it allows optimum exercise with minimum risk of associated problems. This is a comprehensive reference that can be used by both amateur and professional. It is well illustrated, with many exercises explained and shown in easy to follow diagrams.
Aerobic FitnessAerobic exercise is critical for maintaining every aspect of a persons wellbeing. This book shows you the exercise you need to do to keep your lungs, heart and circulatory system fit. Originally published as a printed book by Simon and Schuster. This new edition is improved and available as an ebook. It explains what aerobic fitness is and the exercises you can do to maintain an peak level of aerobic fitness. It is a valuable reference both for fitness professionals, and also for anyone just wanting to improve their own personal fitness.
How to be a Life CoachLife coaching is a relatively new profession - although coaches have been around for a long time in the guise of trainers, instructors, managers and tutors for various professions and disciplines. Life coaching is not easily defined, but it is a type of mentoring which focuses on helping individuals to achieve what they would like to achieve and thereby to lead more fulfilling lives. Unlike other forms of coaching, it takes place outside of the workplace and is concerned with all aspects of a person’s life.